WANT TO BE OUR PARTNERS & SPONSORS: Come to see us during your trip in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We offers some of the programs to the sponsored education and volunteers who has capacity and availability to help us. Again SRMCDO would like to incite anyone from all over the world to support us and the community. Any inquiry and donation may address to the following email: srmcdo@gmail.com

Friday, September 17, 2010

The SRMCDO provides the following programs:

1. Vocational Training Program:
To provide and improve the skills for the society, SRMCDO instigates the vocational training program. Adolescents get additional skills at either computers or English to improve their chances of employment.

2. Student Sponsorship Program:
The SRMCDO has sent some students to the Australian Centre of Education (ACE), to improve their English, so they will be available to transfer their knowledge to other SRMCDO’s students. In addition we have sent some students to the college and university in Siem Reap. All this can happen with the support of our sponsorship program.

3. Volunteer Program:
As we have many programs, we offers some of the programs to the volunteers who have the capacity and availability to help us. You can be in our English teaching or computer training, involved in our women's development program or contribute in our ECC, fund raising, tours etc.

4. English Conversation Club:
As Siem Reap is a touristic town that attract many tourists to visit, the use of English is an important extra skills. The SRMCDO established a free ECC program twice a week for their students and community to practice English in their daily life.

5. Shadakah Centre Program:
The SRMCDO realized that to build a better community is not easy and requires a lot of resources. For that reason, the Shadakah centre program set up to encourages donors to participate in our fund raising.

6. E-Qurban and Aqiqah: 
This program aims to provide Qurban and Aqiqah to the philanthropists who would like to do the Qurban and Aqiqah obligations and distribute the meat to poor community members in Seam Reap.


7. Building School Program:
We believe that by providing good education to the community this will in the long run eradicate poverty and improve their quality of live. For this reason the SRMCDO want to support the construction of schools to provide a place to study. 

8. Women's Development Program:
The SRMCDO is concerned about the disadvantaged women in the family, and therefore, tries to facilitate improving their skills for living, such as: handicraft production and sewing skills.


The SRMCDO provides support in the income generation of community member, especially for the Tuk Tuk drivers. As Siem Reap is touristic town, the SRMCDO offers tours packages and good restaurants for the tourists to enjoy the local Khmer foods.

We hope to be able to talk with you in the future, if you would like to know more about the SRMCDO kindly send us your inquiry, comments and ideas to help us to be able to develop the Islamic Cham community in Siem Reap in particular and Cambodia in general: info@siemreapmuslim.org ; WhatsApp: (+855) 96 400 7777
Thank you for visiting us!

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