WANT TO BE OUR PARTNERS & SPONSORS: Come to see us during your trip in Siem Reap, Cambodia. We offers some of the programs to the sponsored education and volunteers who has capacity and availability to help us. Again SRMCDO would like to incite anyone from all over the world to support us and the community. Any inquiry and donation may address to the following email: srmcdo@gmail.com

Friday, March 15, 2019

Welcome to Our Muslim Communities in Siem Reap, Kingdom of Cambodia

بسم الله الرحمن الرالحيم
السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته

This program aim to provide and improve the skills for the society. Seim Reap Muslim Community Development Organization (SRMCDO) instigates and implements the vocational training program for small children and adults in the purpose of providing them a better knowledge. Adolescents get additional skills at either computer or English to improve their chances of employment and improve their English communication skills such as speaking, listening, reading, and writing. Our goal in conducting this English training is to provide them good English skills, so they may continue their study in university or having sufficient English skills to apply for a good job and improve their quality.

Since the SRMCDO established we have made an agreement with MUSLIM AID CAMBODIA (MAC) and oversea donors to become development partners in implementation of a project titled: "Vocational Training to the educated but unskilled youths: English Language and Computer skills". After this project has implemented we have seen that the students have gained the proper skill at either English and computer skill. With fully supported from Muslim Aid to run English and Computer training skills our students are able to communicate in English effectively. They also can use both internet and Microsoft office well. Some students can repair and set up computers. If compare to last few years ago, it is quite difference; they knew nothing about English language, computer and internet. They could not even speak English to foreigners, but now most of them could read, write and speak English very well. They use English as the way for their communication and for their daily works

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